Saturday 31 May 2008

Longevity genes

Men carrying two copies of an IDE(Insulin-degrading enzyme) gene variant tend to live longer than those with only one copy.

A daf2 gene mutation in nematode worms living on agar in laboratories gives the nematode worms a longer lifespan.

Those who have a`C' version of the gene/enzyme succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase(SSADH) were more likely to reach 100 years old, this version of the gene is more efficient at riding the brain of excess acid.

Those with the 2`T' version of SSADH are unlikely to live past 85.

Variations within a gene called FOXO3A(associated with insulin signalling) are associated with longevity.

One variation with two copies of one version of the gene were less likely to report health problems and more likely to live to 98.

SIRT1 overexpression may affect the ageing process.

The E3 ubiquitin ligase wwp-1 with the transcription factor pha-4,but not the transctiption factor daf-16,together with calorie restriction can increase lifespan.

mutations in a gene called TOR can affect ageing

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