Thursday 18 February 2010

Genes linked to walking,running and sprinting

A version of the actn3 gene has been  linked to better sprinting.

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Turkey genetics

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Genetic analysis suggests that the puebloans domesticated turkeys independently from the mesoamericans.
The puebloan turkeys were only distantly related to the mesoamerican turkeys.
The puebloans preferred turkeys from what is now the East and midwest USA,possibly because of their superior feathers.

Thursday 11 February 2010

Genome of a palaeo-eskimo sequenced

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The genome of a 4,000 year old palaeo-eskimo ,who belonged to the saqqaq culture has been sequenced by a danish team,who got dna from hair.

Over v350,000 snps were analysed to pinpoint his origin,the analysis indicates that the saqqaqs separated rom the chukchis about 5,400 years ago

Genes sequence indicate he had dry earwax,brown eyes,A+ blood type,y chromosone haplogroup Q1a and thick dark hair.

Mtdna is closest to aleuts and asian eskimos.
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Brachypodium distachyon genome sequenced

The genome of Brachypodium distachyon, a wild annual grass.which grows in the mediterranean and midle east has been sequenced.