A 30-48,000 year old human finger bone from Denisova cave in the altai region of siberia has had its DNA extracted and sequenced,its genetic marerial doesn't seem to match either modern or neanderthal DNA.
The specimen has 3 billion letters in its nuclear genome,of which 1/20 appears to be genetically close to melanesians(papuans and torres strait islanders,the `Denisovans' may have contributed 4-6% to the genetics of melanesian population and australian aboriginals as well as Fiji and polynesia.)
Some genes believed to have originated from the denisovans are:
hla-a*11,mostly found in asians(it is estimested that 90% of hla genes in papua new guineans come from other hominids,denisovans?),it is found in about 50% of people around the most southerly part of yunnan.
hla-A11-c*12:02 along with hla*02-c15 is also found highest around most southerly part of yunnan as well as an area on the haryana-rajasthan state border in india.
(Interestingly in the basque country, tuscany,corsica,sardinia and in the Troy area,offshore is lemnos where an etruscan related language was supposedly spoken.
HLA-B*73 which has its hightest frequency in the khorasan provinces of iran and south east turkmenistan.
HLA-C*12-02 has high frequencies in Gujarat andrajasthan states, India, Southeasthern part of sind province, tehran area, iran, area where pakistan meets the most easterly point of afghanistan in Honshu, point north of where chinese/laos and vietnamese border meet, sepik area in papua new guinea, honshu, Japan except it appears for tohoku region(sp?),the most northerly region of honshu which is where ainu related people were conquered by the japanese 1700-1800 AD?
The people of the yayoi culture, presumed ancestors of the japanese may have had high frequency of this allelle.
HLA-C*15 is highest among aborigines in the kimblerley area of western australia,the sepik area of papua new guinea and baluchistan border area of pakistan and afghanistan.
HLA-c*15:05 may have entered modern humans via both denisovans living in northern vietnam,laos and yunnan/guangxi areas of china as well as neanderthals living in middle east.
I wonder if interbreeding by denisovans may have affected blood group frequencies,either ABO or rhesus partictularly the c gene of the rhesus group of blood antigens.
I suspect modern human interbreed with denisovans particularly in the afghanistan/pakistan/western india area as well as the yunnan/guangxi and coastal chinese area.
The specimen's mtDNA differs from modern human mtdna by an average of 385 positions,whereas neanderthal mtdna dna differs from modern mtdna on average by 202 positions.
The difference seem to suggest a branch off a million years ago,before modern and neanderthal human branched off.
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