Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Genetic art and such-like

Some companies like Yonder biology can do a painting of your genes.

Another company called genetic-photos can put your dna on a t-shirt etc.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Genes linked to the kidneys(not kidney disease)

A gene called FOXL1 has been linked to water retention in the kidneys.
A mutation of this gene was found in 85% of  20 Yoruba in some research done, this version of the gene is believed to date back to the spread of the sahara 10-20,00 years ago.
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Friday, 22 October 2010

Paris japonica genome sequenced

Geneticists have sequenced the genome of the rare flower paris japonica which has the biggest genome so far sequenced, there are 149 billion base pairs, the genome is 50 times  the size of the human genome.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

apple genetics

The golden delicious apple genom has about 57,000 nuclear genes. Researchers have found out that the domesticated apple's closest wild relative is malus sieversii
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Friday, 3 September 2010

Chinese summer wheat genome sequenced

The chinese spring wheat genome is five times as large as the human genome.
It is hoped that it will help into research  in developing new types of wheat with higher yields,are drought resistant and withstand climate change.
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Friday, 20 August 2010

human genes linked to cereal and other farming

A prlp2 variant(helps to break down fats in plant fat) has been linked to cereal eating,occuring  in about 0.5 of cereal eating population,wheras lower in at about 0.2-3 in non-cereal eating population.

TRPV6 variants have been linked to lactose tolerance,aids in digestion of milk.

Populations descended from farmers in europe and the middle east tend to have slower acetylation versions of the NAT-2 genes(whereas hunter-gatherers usually have fast acetylation version of such genes.)
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genes linked to oxygen and lungs

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The epas1 has been linked to oxygen regulation,
Certain mutations occur in 90% of tibetans that hand them adapt to higher altitude.
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Thursday, 12 August 2010

Oyster genetics

BGI in shenzhen says it has sequenced the oyster genome.
There were about 20,000 genes.Search for shenzhen

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Friday, 9 July 2010

tibetan population genetics

Variants in egln1, Epas1(90% prevalence) and ppara in the highland population are believed to help  highlanders adapt to high altitudes.
These variants are associated with a reduced blood levels of hemoglobin.
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Jewish genetics

A study suggests Ethiopian and indian jews are genetically similiar to(Oromo) ethiopians and indians,possibly because of intermarriage.
Most jewish population are genetically similiar to cypriot,samaritian and druze population.
Yemenite jews are genetically similiar to bedouins and saudis.

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Thursday, 13 May 2010

genes linked to amyotropic lateral sclerosis/ALS

ANG,FUS(also called TLS,)SOD1(accounts for about 2% of als cases),TARDP

Mutation in a gene called OPTN have been linked to als as well.
Atnx2( a polyglutamine protein,linked to tdp-43 toxicity) is a gene found in  about 4% of als cases.
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Thursday, 6 May 2010

western clawed frog genome sequenced

Xenopus tropicalis,as it is called in latin ,has had its genome sequenced.

The genome has over 20,000 protein-coding genes,1.7 billion bases in 10 chromosomes.
1/3 of genome are transposable elements.
An IGD isoype was found

Thursday, 15 April 2010

perigord black truffle genome sequenced

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Has 125 megabases.
About 58% of genome are transposable elements,there are almost 7,500 protein coding-genes.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

genes linked to miller's syndrome

A mutation in a  gene called DHODH,involved in pyrimidine biosymthesis,is believe to be involved.

Friday, 9 April 2010

mimivirus genome sequenced

Analysis of the mimiviru reveals its has about 1,000 genes.
It has a gene that codes for atp as well as genes that produce proteins that move amino acids around(these are activated when the mimivirus invades cells)

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Zebra finch genome sequenced

Genome has duplicates of genes like PHF7,31 pak3-like sequences,lacks mhm sequence and over 200,000 mobile elements.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Genetic analysis of finger bone found in Siberia suggest new human species

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A 30-48,000 year old human  finger bone from Denisova cave in the altai region of siberia has had its DNA extracted and sequenced,its genetic marerial doesn't seem to match either modern or neanderthal  DNA.

The specimen has 3 billion letters in its nuclear genome,of which 1/20  appears to be genetically close to melanesians(papuans and torres strait islanders,the `Denisovans' may have contributed 4-6% to the genetics of melanesian population and australian aboriginals as well as Fiji and polynesia.)
Some genes believed to have originated from the denisovans are:

hla-a*11,mostly found in asians(it is estimested that 90% of hla genes in papua new guineans come from other hominids,denisovans?),it is found in about 50% of people around the most southerly part of yunnan.

hla-A11-c*12:02  along with hla*02-c15 is also found highest around most southerly part of yunnan as well as an area on the haryana-rajasthan state border in india.
(Interestingly in the basque country, tuscany,corsica,sardinia and in the  Troy area,offshore is lemnos where an etruscan related language was supposedly spoken.

 HLA-B*73 which has its hightest frequency in the khorasan provinces of iran and south east turkmenistan.

HLA-C*12-02 has high frequencies in Gujarat andrajasthan states, India, Southeasthern part of sind province, tehran area, iran, area where pakistan meets the most easterly point of afghanistan in Honshu, point north of where chinese/laos and vietnamese border  meet, sepik area in papua new guinea, honshu, Japan except it appears for tohoku region(sp?),the most northerly region of honshu which is where ainu related people were conquered by the japanese 1700-1800 AD?
The people of the yayoi culture, presumed ancestors of the japanese may have had high frequency of this allelle.
HLA-C*15  is highest among aborigines in the kimblerley area of western australia,the sepik area of papua new guinea and baluchistan border area of pakistan and afghanistan.

HLA-c*15:05 may have entered modern humans via both denisovans living in northern vietnam,laos and yunnan/guangxi areas of china as well as neanderthals living in middle east.

I wonder if interbreeding by denisovans may have affected blood group frequencies,either ABO or rhesus partictularly the c gene of the  rhesus group of blood antigens.

I suspect modern human interbreed with denisovans particularly in the  afghanistan/pakistan/western india area as well as the yunnan/guangxi and coastal chinese area.

The specimen's mtDNA differs from modern human mtdna by an average of 385 positions,whereas neanderthal mtdna dna differs from modern mtdna on average by 202 positions.

The difference seem to suggest a branch off a million years ago,before modern and neanderthal human branched off.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Polar bear genetics

Mitochondrial DNA  extrac from a fossil jawbone found in the svalbard archipelago,compared to modern polar and brown bear mtdna genomes reveal that polar bears are more closely related to brown bears that live on the admiralty,baranof and chichagof islands of the alexander archipelago in alaska.

Genetic divergence possibly happened 131-177,000 years ago.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Genetic analysis reveals prehistoric population size

Analysis of Alu sequences,short bits of DNA that move between different genomic regions suggests tthat ancient populations of homo erectus,ergaster and early human populations consisted of only 55,000 individuals.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

DNA collected from fossilized bird eggshells by scientists

DNA has been collected from an 19,000 year old australian emu eggshell,as well as madagascan elephant bird,australian owls ,new zealand ducks and moas.

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Genes linked to walking,running and sprinting

A version of the actn3 gene has been  linked to better sprinting.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Turkey genetics

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Genetic analysis suggests that the puebloans domesticated turkeys independently from the mesoamericans.
The puebloan turkeys were only distantly related to the mesoamerican turkeys.
The puebloans preferred turkeys from what is now the East and midwest USA,possibly because of their superior feathers.